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Prodigal Child Ministries provides biblical and secular support and resources for the parents of struggling teens and young adults in crisis, in order to give them hope and a future.

Meet Pacer and Julie Cordry!

We feel honored and humbled to have the opportunity to lead Prodigal Child Ministries. The mission is close to our hearts because we have two children, one of whom struggles with addiction and a mental health condition. As parents of a prodigal child, we know what it's like to feel alone, but we've also experienced the benefits of attending a Parents of Prodigals support group. Discovering that we're not alone on this journey brings a sense of freedom. We are dedicated to providing hope, healing, and faith-based guidance for parents like us who need encouragement. Our retreats, support groups, and compassionate outreach are designed to remind parents that they are never alone.


Support Group ReCORDINGS


The Newspaper Article

John Brocard is sitting in his den, reading his Bible and waiting for the kidnappers. It’s 2:45 a.m. on a school night. He left the garage door open and the downstairs lights on, just as he agreed he would. 

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Meet the Brocards

The personal pain that John and Fair Brocard experienced as parents of prodigal children birthed in them the desire to offer support to other hurting parents as well. 

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